The Sigh

Had to empty my closet for painting this year. Has been 9 months of living here, making the brave move (at least it felt brave) away from where we lived together. Finally, moving forward, making some changes and painting was one. Oh, but pulled down your sweater from that top shelf and held it wishing […]

Not Knowing

I used to think I had a lot of answers. I could solve my problems, my families, my friends- heck, the world’s. But after going through death, I realize (like in the Game of Thrones character Jon) that ‘I know nothing’. What can we really ‘know’? While I don’t know a lot anymore, I am […]

Moving Ahead and Focusing on the Positive

A death means many firsts- overwhelming firsts without your loved one. It also means making decisions based on your needs, your situation. After the initial paralysis of the grief, then you work to piece things back together. In my case, I was living in South Carolina, my husband, Pat and I had moved there when […]

Bearing unbearable pain

This year, I have been through the unbearable. I have watched my healthy husband die a horrible death from pneumonia. It has changed me forever. Changed my thoughts on death, on dying, on after death, on grief, on who I am …. I will never be the same. I stand as bravely as I can […]

I am Zoey

I am “Zoey”. Zoey means life. Years ago when I was born I was given a different name. A name that never spoke to me- never called my heart or captured my mind. People would meet me and say ‘you’re not a Nancy’. So one day I changed it to Zoey. People who meet say […]